Employment Services
BRIDGES offers several resources and activities for people in the community who seek career and job opportunities. Services are goal-oriented and personalized for individuals with a disability or certain restrictions that may require tools or strategies to find successful employment.
BRIDGES is an approved provider of ACCES-VR, a division of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) to provide ACCES-VR orientation.
ACCESS-VR Orientation is held every Thursday at 9:00 AM.
These services include but are not limited to:
- Benefits Advisement
- Work Readiness & Supported Employment in addition to other services within our ACCES-VR Core Rehabilitative Services (CRS) - Adults
- Youth Employment Services - Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) - Ages 14 - 21
- Mobility Training
- Job Placement (Blind & Low Vision)
- Individual Advocacy and ADA Guidance - All Ages
- Supported Employment Services under OPWDD
Call BRIDGES to see if you are eligible for anyone of these areas of service.